Parties to the Council

The South African Local Government Association (SALGA) is an organization mandated by the new South African Constitution to assist in the wholesale transformation of local government in South Africa from the pre-1994 regime to the new dispensation under the country’s first democratically elected government. The Constitution envisages an important role for organized local government in the new South Africa, with a unique focus on developmental service delivery. As such, SALGA plays a core role in a variety of areas related to local government transformation and as a national representative of the local government sector and its employees. The new SALGA strategy responds to the challenges facing organised local government, addresses past weaknesses and drives forward the process of consolidating the transformation process of local government.

The South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) was formed in 1987. SAMWU represents 148 819 members in local government. Apart from its regular functions as a trade union, SAMWU is critically concerned with issues relating to the transformation of Local Government, community participation and governance. SAMWU’s major campaign is to fight the privatisation of municipal services on all fronts. SAMWU is affiliated to the Congress of South African Trade Unions and Public Services International (PSI).

IMATU is a registered trade union representing 84 512 municipal and allied employees. IMATU provides an outstanding service to its members and protects their rights and interest, through committed and motivated office bearers, shop stewards and professionally qualified staff. IMATU is not affiliated nor supports any political party and as such we do not take instructions from any political parties. Our members are the only parties we care about and from whom we take instructions.
The Council has to annually also submit the party representivity to the Department of Labour. The Department of Labor conducted an audit of the council records on the 09 September 2019. A certificate issued by the department of Labour concludes that the parties, under the registered scope, of the Council are represented as follows:- The trade union parties (IMATU and SAMWU) to the Council represent 247 502 of the employees concerned.
- The employer organization (SALGA) to the Council represents 257 employers who employ 248 816 of the employees in the industry.